Uses of Class

Packages that use Project35Menu
project35.desktopDeployment The project35.desktopDeployment package describes classes that are used to make the desktop version of the data entry tool. 

Uses of Project35Menu in project35.desktopDeployment

Subclasses of Project35Menu in project35.desktopDeployment
 class EditMenu
          the Edit menu shown in the menu bar of a Project35 Dialog
 class FileMenu
          manages menu items that appear in the "File" menu of a Project35 dialog.
 class HelpMenu
          the "Help" menu that appears in the menu bar of a Project35 Dialog
 class OptionsMenu
          the Options menu that appears in the menu bar of a Project35 Dialog
 class ViewMenu
          the View menu that appears in the menu bar of a Project35 Dialog
 class WindowMenu
          the Window menu that appears in the menu bar of a Project35 Dialog.