Package project35.mda.config

This package contains classes which manage the configuration options for the data entry tool which are not covered by the XML Schema.


Interface Summary
SchemaConceptPropertyManager an interface that defines the behaviour of a class which returns configuration data about concepts defined in a domain schema.

Class Summary
AttributeFieldConfiguration holds configuration data about an attribute field.
ComponentSchemaConfiguration Copyright (c) 2008 Kevin Garwood for Project35.
CustomMenuConfiguration holds configuration data about a custom menu.
DocumentValidationServiceConfiguration holds configuration options for a document validation service.
EditFieldConfiguration describes the configuration options for an edit field of a record.
EditMenuConfiguration holds configuration data about the Edit menu in a Project35 Dialog.
FieldValidationServiceConfiguration holds configuration options for a validation service; right now this is an empty service it exists for future extensibility; there may be more properties of field validation services which go beyond properties described in ServiceConfiguration
FileLauncher parses the file ./project35/config/FilesExtensionsToLaunch.xml.
FileMenuConfiguration holds configuration data about the File menu in a Project35 Dialog.
GeneralDisplayPropertiesConfiguration Copyright (c) 2008 Kevin Garwood for Project35.
HelpDocument holds configuration data about a help document.
HelpMenuConfiguration holds configuration data about the Help menu in a Project35 Dialog.
IDGeneratorServiceConfiguration holds configuration options for an ID Generator Service.
ListFieldConfiguration describes configuration for list field in a record.
ListFieldEditingComponentConfiguration holds configuration data about a Java class which is invoked as an editing component for items in a list field.
MenuFeatureConfigurationParser holds configuration data about menus; corresponds to the combination of "menu_features" and "existing_menus" records defined in the XML Schema for the Project35 Configuration Tool
OntologyServiceConfiguration Stores configuration information about an ontology service; corresponds to the "ontology_service" record defined in the XML Schema for the Project35 Configuration Tool
OntologySourceConfiguration holds configuration data about an ontology source.
OntologyViewerConfiguration holds configuration data about an ontology viewer.
OptionsMenuConfiguration holds configuration data about the Options menu in a Project35 Dialog.
PluginConfigurableComponent a base class for all other configuration classes that can support plugins the class contains code for managing plugin configurations; especially used by the menu configuration objects and the schema concept configuration.
PluginConfiguration holds configuration data about a plugin.
PluginConfigurationParser Project35ConfigurationReader delegates to this class when it wants to parse a part of the ConfigurationFile.xml that describes a plugin.
Project35ConfigurationReader this is the class that holds configuration data that the XML Schema can't express.
RecordConfiguration holds configuration data about a record type.
RecordConfigurationParser Project35ConfigurationReader delegates to this class when it wants to parse a part of the ConfigurationFile.xml that describes a record.
RecordValidationServiceConfiguration a service that validates an instance of a record model.
SchemaConceptConfiguration base class for holding common configuration data about records, edit fields, list fields, and attribute fields.
ServiceConfiguration base class for holding configuration data about a service.
ServiceConfigurationParser Project35ConfigurationReader delegates to this class when it wants to parse a description of services, including ontology services, validation services and ID Generator services
SessionManager this class manages session information, including default directories used to initialise where file open operations start and a list of most recently opened files.
TestApplicationUtility Copyright (c) 2008 Kevin Garwood for Project35.
ViewMenuConfiguration holds configuration data about the View menu in a Project35 Dialog.

Package project35.mda.config Description

This package contains classes which manage the configuration options for the data entry tool which are not covered by the XML Schema. The most significant class, Project35ConfigurationReader, reads a ConfigurationFile.xml file produced by the Project35 Configuration Tool, and uses instances of data container classes to manage the configuration options. The Project35ConfigurationReader is referenced in many parts of the code base and provides a look-up service to find configuration options associated with schema concepts and other parts of the application. Most of the other classes in this package either parse parts of a ConfigurationFile.xml file or hold configuration data. SessionManager manages a file called SessionAspects.xml which holds information about the most recently used files. It also uses an instance of FileLauncher to read the file ./config/FileExtensionsToLaunch.xml. This small file associates file extensions with shell commands which launch other applications. The mappings are used when end-users press the "View" button on a URL field view.