Package project35.soa

Contains ServiceClass,the basic service class, and GeneralServiceFactory, the basic factory class for creating services.


Interface Summary
EditFieldEditingComponent an interface that can be used to make specialised editing components in Project35.
ListFieldEditingComponent an interface that can be used to make specialised editing components in Project35.
ServiceClass a high level interface for specifying services in Project35 this was developed to facilitate a general service factory that required a method "setParameters".

Class Summary
GeneralServiceClassFactory General service class factory; used in ontology sources, viewers and id generation services.
StubbedService Copyright (c) 2008 Kevin Garwood for Project35.
StubbedServiceDialog Copyright (c) 2008 Kevin Garwood for Project35.

Package project35.soa Description

Contains ServiceClass,the basic service class, and GeneralServiceFactory, the basic factory class for creating services. The package also contains interfaces for making components that can edit fields.