Package project35.util

The following classes relate to Project35's context sensitive help system: ContextHelpItem ContextHelpService HelpEnabledButton HelpEnabledCheckBox HelpEnabledCheckBoxMenuItem HelpEnabledLabel HelpEnabledMenuItem HelpLinkCreator HelpLinkListener .


Interface Summary
ContextHelpItem Interface used by JMenuItems and JCheckBoxMenuItems to have context sensitive help ability
DisplayNameProvider provides a display name for an object that can be used in list management classes

Class Summary
ConfigurationURLUtility utility for creating the URL or full file path of a resource file.
ContextHelpService associates or disassociates a context help mouse listener for a component.
DisplayNameList does ordered list management for objects that implement the DisplayNameProvider interface.
FilteredList A filtered list.
HelpDialog dialog used to show HTML help documents in all help features
HelpEnabledButton a button that supports context sensitive help
HelpEnabledCheckBox checkbox that supports context sensitive help
HelpEnabledCheckBoxMenuItem creates a checkbox menu item that supports context sensitive help.
HelpEnabledLabel a label that supports context sensitive help
HelpEnabledMenu a variant of JMenuItem that can provide context sensitive help
HelpEnabledMenuItem a variant of JMenuItem that can provide context sensitive help
HelpLinkListener a mouse listener for context help.
HTMLFileFilter This class is used by file choosers to show only *.xml files.
ImageFileFilter filters based on *.txt extension; used in spreadsheet import/export routines
NoneditableTableModel creates generic read-only data table
OrderedList maintains an ordered list of items
OrderedListPanel maintains an ordered list; there is some redundancy between this class and OrderedListPanel and likely one will be deprecated.
Parameter holds name-value pairs; comes in handy processing configuration file parameters
Project35BackupFileFilter a file filter used to identify project35 backup files (*.pdz~)
Project35FileFilter This class is used by file choosers to show only *.pdz files
Project35XMLParsingUtility convenience routines used to parse XML files and XML schemas
RecordClassContextUtility this utility class is intended to allow Project35's alert system to support showing lists of record class names or lists of record class contexts.
SortableListModel One shortfall of DefaultListModel is there is no easy way to sort the items.
StyleSheetFileFilter This class is used by file choosers to show only *.xml files.
SystemLog the error dialog that displays errors produced in a Project35 session
TextFileFilter filters based on *.txt extension; used in spreadsheet import/export routines
UniqueArrayList maintains a unique list of items.
WindowDisposer disposes window; used to help shut down dialogs by pressing the "X" on the top right window icons of the dialog.
XMLFileFilter This class is used by file choosers to show only *.xml files
XSDFileFilter This class is used by file choosers to show only *.xsd files (schema files) It is adapted to support activities in a file chooser and during IO operations - for some reason Java has two similar interfaces/classes so for convenience this filter is made to satisfy both.
ZIPFileFilter This class is used by file choosers to show only *.xsd files (schema files) Copyright (c) 2003 University of Mancester.

Package project35.util Description

The following classes relate to Project35's context sensitive help system:

. Other classes relate to file filters that are used to limit file searches to include certain types of files:

Most of the remaining classes order or display items in a list.