Tools & Users - Configuration Tool.

Getting started.

Here is where you need to start in order to get your forms created. This tool allows you to include or exclude certain aspects of forms and to create the look and feel that you think the users of the forms will like. In the directory \project35-1.0-win, click on run_configuration_tool. This will produce a pop up dialog like the one shown on the right, and you then select the model you want as the base for your forms.

You can select whichever model you want to work on. This list of models is taken from those listed in the models subdirectory in \project35-1.0-win. These will disappear when you click OK. What will appear is the Configuration Tool loaded with a blank template that is based on the model you have selected.

The parts of the screen.

Here is where we can now go into some detail about the various parts of the Configuration Tool. The picture on the right shows an example of the screen you will see. It is a blank configuration file that you can modify for your specific data entry tool. Although the configuration forms will be generic for all models, the purpose of selecting a specific model is that some of the fields will take their information from the model.

This section will divided into groups based on the type of information being explained. These groups are: Buttons, Menus, Forms & Fields. Rather than take up a large amount of space with images of every single field, we have decided to present the relevant information in the form of a map.


There are a variety of menu options with the Configuration Tool.

Menu List What you can select and what happens
  • New - opens a blank configuration file to start editing;
  • Open - opens an existing configuration file that has been saved as a .PDZ file;
  • Favourites - shows a list of the models you have used most often in the current session;
  • Save - save changes to the currently edited configuration file;
  • Save As - save an existing configuration file as a .PDZ file. Note that you you can test a configuration that is saved as a .PDZ file. However, if you want to run your data entry tool without the test feature you must save your file to .\models\[your model]\config\ConfigurationFile.xml;
  • Close - closes the current model;
  • Import from XML - loads a configuration file that is stored as a .XML file. Use this to change the configuration file used to run your data entry application. The file is located at: .\models\[your model]\config\ConfigurationFile.xml;
  • Export to Final Submission format - used to produce a configuration file that is stored as a .XML file. When you are ready to run your data entry tool by double clicking the "run_project35" file in your download directory, make sure you use this feature to save your configuration file as: .\models\[your model]\config\ConfigurationFile.xml;
  • Templates - a feature which allows you to load or save part of a configuration file;
  • Create Default Configuration File - creates a skeleton configuration file based on the concepts that appear in the XML schema;
  • Exit - exits the programme. You will prompted to save any unsaved changes.
  • Copy - copies text or a sub-tree of records from the current configuration file;
  • Paste - pastes text or parts of a record tree into the current configuration file;
  • Search and Replace - a dialog prompts you for the term you wish to find and the term you wish to replace it with;
  • Insert Symbols - a dialog provides a list of symbols that you can select to insert into a field.
  • Font - allows you to change the size of the font used to display the Configuration Tool;
  • Show Errors - a dialog appears that flags the errors that appear in your configuration file;
  • Show Dependencies - a dialog appears that indicates were there are fields that depend on other fields. For the current release of Project35, you will not need to use this feature in the Configuration Tool;
  • Show Changes - paints some of the symbols in the record tree blue to indicate records that have been altered since the last time you saved your changes to the currently edited configuration file;
  • Search - a dialog that lets you search for terms. There is both a simple and advanced search;
  • Clear - removes all special highlighting in the application that may have been caused by other features in the View menu.
  • Describe this document - a dialog lets you include information about the document you create with the generated forms. This includes the title, author, e-mail, institution, and description. You will probably not use this feature because you will be describing meta data about the configuration file, not meta data about a data file created with your model;
  • Alerts - a dialog appears that allows you to attach existing alerts bundles to the current set of forms. In the current release of Project35, you won't need to use this feature in the Configuration Tool;
  • Generate Ontology Identifiers - assigns ontology identifiers to each of XML schema concepts described by "record" and "record field" entries. These can be used by ontology services to help them determine which terms should be supplied to a field on a given form ;
  • Generate Functional Specifications - uses information in the configuration file to create a functional specification of the data entry tool you are creating. You can print out and show other people.;
  • Generate Context Help Pages - allows you to make a naming convention for generating skeleton .HTML files that provide context sensitive help;
  • Test Application - generates a prototype of the data entry based on the current state of the configuration file.
  • This provides a list of the various windows, or set of forms, you may have open. Selecting something from the list will take you to that model.
  • About - provides information about Project35;
  • Schema information - provides information about the current schema. In the Configuration Tool, the schema will always refer to the project35_form_configuration.xsd.;
  • Enable context help - Allows you to mouse over fields and for those that have additional information, view this by clicking.


Throughout the various forms, you will see a variety of buttons. Some will occur on every form; others will only occur for specific kinds of fields. Below is a table that can be used for reference if you encounter a button you have not seen before and don't know what it does. The buttons are listed in alphabetical order with a note about whether you can expect it on every form or just with certain fields.

Button What happens when you click it
This opens a dialog box so that you can select a particular file to into the field. This button will only occur with fields that expect to have a file name as the entry value.
This allows you move back to the form just above the one you are on without saving any of the changes you have made since the last time you saved the form. This button occurs on all forms.
This allows you to select a colour for the given field.
This allows you to select a default ontology service.
This button can occur at either the form or the field level. At the form level, this allows you to remove the particular form you are working on and does not save any information. At the field level, you would select an item from a list and this allows you to remove the selected item.
This allows you to save changes made on a particular form and automatically move to the form up a level from where you are. This button occurs on all forms.
This allows you to make changes to an existing item in a field where the entries lead to subforms.
This allows you to save changes made on a particular form but keeps you on the form. This button occurs on all forms.
This allows you to reorder entries in the tree on the left hand side of the screen. This will only move a selected entry down and only within other entries on the same level of the tree.
This allows you to reorder entries in the tree on the left hand side of the screen. This will only move a selected entry up and only within other entries on the same level of the tree.
This allows you to make entries in a field for the first time and have that become the current form.

Forms & Fields

This is a section that could become very large very quickly. As we stated above, we don't want to have a large number of imiages that cover every field in the Configuration Tool. However, we do want to cover all the fields so we have come up with what we think is a compromise of coverage and brevity. Don't worry if you can't make out all the text on the images. They are in fact reduced screen shots of the actual forms. Even if we had the full size version, we still wouldn't be able to get a sungle screen shot of many forms because of their length. Some of the names for the fields are descriptive enough to let you know what's expected. However, we'll cover them all just in case. Fields in bold are required. fields with a * in front of them mean that they are related to a list of terms that cold come either from the list of elements in the schema or from a linked onotology.

The following list is set out with each form being shown with a list of anyy other forms that either link to it or are linked from it. These listings are only meant to show the immediate forms above or below the current one and not the entire hierarchy of the configuration schema. If a form has no forms above it in the schema, then there will be nothing before it. If a form has no other forms that come after it, then there will be nothing after it. Below this is a list of the fields that can be found on the current form and what is meant to go in them.

Form: PROJECT35_CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
dialog_title This is the title that will appear at the top of the Project 35 application.
*top_level_element This is the top level element of your schema. The terms displayed are the elements from your schema.
style_sheet A style sheet to associate with XML files. You will not likely use this feature in the Configuration Tool. It will allow you to render configurations saved as XML to be rendered with a style sheet.
date_format Determines how you want dates formatted on your forms.
component_schema Lists other schemas that your XML schema is compatible with. For example, you may make a schema made from smaller ones. Your data entry tool should be able to import data files that conform to one of the smaller schemas. Therefore, you should list the name of each smaller schema as a "component_schema".
general_display_properties Properties that affect the presentation of the data entry forms.
menu_features The part of the configuration file that lets you over-ride standard menu features or add your own menu items.
record The part of the configuration file that describes application properties for the records and record fields that appear in the XML schema.
documentation_validation_service The section of the configuration file that describes validation services which can be applied to the entire document. These services are invoked when end-users attempt to use the "Show Errors" or "Export to Final Submission Format..." menu features in the generated data entry applications.

Forms that link to this one Form: COMPONENT_SCHEMA
Fields What is meant to go in them
name The name of your component schema.
description Describes the nature of the component schema. This is included in generated functional specifications.
top_level_element The top level element of your component schema.

Forms that link to this one Form: GENERAL_DISPLAY_PROPERTIES
Fields What is meant to go in them
text_colour The colour you want the text to be.
text_field_background The colour you want the fields' backgrounds to be.
form_background The background colour of the form.
button_background The colour of the buttons.
selected_item_background The colour of the background of a selected item.
error_message_colour The colour you want error messages to be.

Forms that link to this one Form: MENU_FEATURES Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
file_menu Takes you to a form where you can select which standard file menu options you want for your application.
help_menu Takes you to a form where you can select which standard help menu options you want for your application.
standard_menu_plugin This takes you to a form where you can specify plugins for the standard menu.
custom_menu Takes you to a form where you can design your own custom menu.

Forms that link to this one Form: FILE_MENU Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
show_new_file Select whether you want the new file option to be listed in file menu.
show_favourites Select whether you want the favourites option to be listed in file menu.
show_spreadsheet_options Select whether you want the spreadsheet options option to be listed in file menu.
show_open_file Select whether you want the open file option to be listed in file menu.
show_save_file Select whether you want the save file option to be listed in file menu.
show_saveAs_file Select whether you want the save as option to be listed in file menu.
show_close Select whether you want the close option to be listed in file menu.
show_import_records Select whether you want the import records option to be listed in file menu.
show_import_from_xml Select whether you want the import from xml option to be listed in file menu.
show_final_submission_format Select whether you want the final submission format option to be listed in file menu.
show_templates Select whether you want the templates option to be listed in file menu.
show_exit Select whether you want the exit option to be listed in file menu.
plugin Takes you to a form where you can select whether you want the plugin option to be listed in file menu.

Forms that link to this one Form: PLUGIN
Fields What is meant to go in them
name What the .
feature_code A unique identifier for the feature.
class_name A Java class that implements the interface project35.soa.plugins.Project35Plugin
list_order The order in which the plugins should appear in a list. In future releases of Project35, this field will be editable via a special feature which allows application designers to re-arrange the order in which plugins are displayed to end-users.
description A description of the plugin. This field is included in a generated Functional Specification.
is_persistent Determines if multiple instances of this are created or if one is created for the lifetime of the application session.

Forms that link to this one Form: HELP_DOCUMENT
Fields What is meant to go in them
label The phrase that will be shown in a menu item advertising the help document.
description A description of what the help document is about. This field is used to describe the document in a generated Functional Specification.
link A hyperlink to a remotely hosted web page or the name of a locally maintained web-page. If the file is listed with no path symbols, Project35 assumes it is located in the .\models\[your model]\doc directory.

Forms that link to this one Form: STANDARD_MENU_PLUGIN Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
menu_name The name of the menu which will list the plugin as a menu-item
plugin A description of a plugin service

Forms that link to this one Form: CUSTOM_MENU Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
name Name of the menu as it will appear in the menu bar of the generated application.
description Description of what features the menu contains.
feature_code A unique identifier for the feature.
position Position of the menu (left to right) in the menu bar.
help_link A context sensitive help page associated with the menu. If the help link lacks any path symbols, Project35 assumes it is located in the .\models\[your model]\doc directory.
plugin A list of descriptions of plugin services that are advertised through the custom menu.

Forms that link to this one Form: RECORD Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
*name A record type defined in the XML schema. Right click on the "name" label to choose the record type from a list.
description Describes the function of the record form. This field is included in a generated Functional Specification.
form_comments Comments that are included on the form, just below the title of the current record form.
ontology_identifier an ontology identifier associated with the record type chosen for "name". This field can be used by ontology services to help them limit the ontology terms they provide for end-users.
help_link An HTML context help page that is associated with the form. The web page is shown in a help dialog when users have turned on context sensitive help and click on the title of the current form. If the help link has no path symbols, Project35 assumes the document is located in .\models\[your model]\doc
record_field A collection of descriptions of application properties that are associated with fields of the record type listed under the "name" field.
record_validation_service A description of a validation service that is associated with the record type shown in the "name" field. The validation service is invoked under three circumstances:
  • The end-user uses the "Show Errors" menu feature in the View menu.
  • The end-user uses the "Export to Final Submission Format..." menu feature in the File menu.
  • The end-user tries to commit changes to the current record, whose record type is associated with a validation service.
plugin A collection of descriptions of plugin services that apply to a record type shown in the "name" field. Record level plugins are advertised through a button that appears flushed right of the title of the currently edited form.

Forms that link to this one Form: RECORD_FIELD Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
*name The name of a field that is appropriate for kind of record type specified in the "name" field of the parent "Record" configuration. Right click on the "name" label to choose an appropriate field name.
field_type Can be one of attribute field, edit field or list field.
ontology_identifier An ontology identifier associated with the field name chosen for "name". The identifier can be used by ontology services to help them limit the ontology terms they provide for end-users.
description Describes the function of the form field. This field is included in a generated Functional Specification.
help_link An HTML context help page that is associated with the form field. The web page is shown in a help dialog when users have turned on context sensitive help and click on the label of a form field in the currently edited record. If the help link has no path symbols, Project35 assumes the document is located in .\models\[your model]\doc
form_comments Comments that are included on the form, just above the form field.
plugin A collection of descriptions of plugin services that apply to the form field. In the generated forms, the plugins are advertised by a button that appears at the end of the field.
default_value A default value for the field. This property is only relevant to fields where the field type is "edit field" or "attribute field".
units Units of measurement associated with the field. This property is only relevant to fields where the type is "edit field" or "attribute field".
allow_free_text Determines whether an edit field can accept free-text entries or not. Usually this will be "false" when the field is meant to be marked up only by ontology services.
is_scrolling_text_field Determines whether an edit field is rendered as a single or multiple line text field.
is_display_name_component Determines whether the value of an edit or attribute field is used to form the display name that represents the record in lists.
customised_field_view_class_name A Java class that implements the interface project35.desktopDeployment.CustomFieldView. When a value for this property is specified, Project35 uses this class to render the form field, not the default field view.
editing_component_class_name A Java class that implements the interface project35.soa.EditFieldEditingComponent. Specifying a value for this property causes the edit or attribute field to become desensitised to free-text entry. Editing can only take place by activating the editing component via a button.
field_validation_service A description of a service that validates the value of the field.
ontology_service A description of a service that allows users to mark-up an attribute or edit field with terms from an ontology.
id_service_generator A description of an ID Generator service that allows users to mark-up an attribute field with a generated identifier.
list_field_editing_service A collection of descriptions of editing services that can be used to edit different child record types supported by a list field. When users click the "New" or "Edit" buttons of a list field, the list field service is invoked instead of a new Project35 editing form.

Forms that link to this one Form: VALIDATION_SERVICE Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
class_name A Java class that implements the interface project35.soa.validation.FieldValidationService
description Describes the function of the service. This field is included in a generated Functional Specification.
parameter A collection of parameters used to initialise the service.
is_persistent Determines if multiple instances of this are created or if one is created for the lifetime of the application session.

Forms that link to this one Form: PARAMETER
Fields What is meant to go in them
name The name of the parameter.
description The meaning of the parameter. This field is included in generated Functional Specifications.
value Value of the parameter.

Forms that link to this one Form: ONTOLOGY_SERVICE Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
name The name of the ontology service. This will be the name that advertises the ontology service to users when they try to mark-up form fields with ontology terms.
feature_code A unique identifier for the feature.
description The purpose of the ontology service. This is included in generated Functional Specifications.
ontology_source A description of a Java class that provides ontology terms.
ontology_viewer A description of a Java class that visualises a collection of ontology terms.

Forms that link to this one Form: ONTOLOGY_SOURCE Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
class_name A Java class that implements the interface project35.soa.ontology.sources.OntologySource. It can also be a Java class that implements sub-classes of this interface, such as project35.soa.ontology.sources.TreeOntologySource
description Describes the terms provided by the ontology source. This field is included in generated Functional Specifications.
parameter A collection of parameters used to initialise the ontology source.
is_persistent Determines if multiple instances of this are created or if one is created for the lifetime of the application session.

Forms that link to this one Form: ONTOLOGY_VIEWER Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
class_name A Java class that implements the interface project35.soa.ontology.views.OntologyViewer
description Describes how the ontology viewer visualises terms. This field is used in generated Functional Specifications.
parameter A collection of parameters used to initialise the ontology viewer.
is_persistent Determines if multiple instances of this are created or if one is created for the lifetime of the application session.

Forms that link to this one Form: ID_GENERATOR_SERVICE Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
class_name A Java class that implements
description Describes how the ID Generator service produces identifiers. This field is included in generated Functional Specifications.
parameter A collection of parameters that is used to initialise the ID Generator Service.
is_persistent Determines if multiple instances of this are created or if one is created for the lifetime of the application session.

Forms that link to this one Form: LIST_FIELD_EDITING_SERVICE
Fields What is meant to go in them
record_class_name A child record type for the list field. The editing service is invoked when a user tries to create a record of this type.
description Describes what the list field editing service does. This field is included in a generated Functional Specification.
editing_component_class_name A Java class that implements the interface project35.soa.ListFieldEditingComponent.

Forms that link to this one Form: RECORD_VALIDATION_SERVICE Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
class_name A Java class that implements the interface project35.soa.validation.RecordValidationService.
description Describes the function of the validation service. This field is included in a generated Functional Specification.
parameter A collection of parameters used to initialise the service.
is_persistent Determines if multiple instances of this are created or if one is created for the lifetime of the application session.

Forms that link to this one Form: DOCUMENT_VALIDATION_SERVICE Links to the following forms
Fields What is meant to go in them
class_name A Java class that implements the interface project35.soa.validation.DocumentValidationService
description Describes the function of the validation service. This field is included in a generated Functional Specification.
parameter A collection of parameters used to initialise the service.
is_persistent Determines if multiple instances of this are created or if one is created for the lifetime of the application session.

Keywords: "Project 35", "open source", XML, "data modelling", "data entry", ontology, Java, "Tablet PC", Garwood.
Copyright © 2008 Christopher Garwood and Kevin Garwood.