Uses of Class

Packages that use Project35Dialog
project35.desktopDeployment The project35.desktopDeployment package describes classes that are used to make the desktop version of the data entry tool. 
project35.metaData The package contains classes which manage Project35's meta data. 

Uses of Project35Dialog in project35.desktopDeployment

Fields in project35.desktopDeployment declared as Project35Dialog
protected  Project35Dialog Project35Menu.parentDialog
protected  Project35Dialog MenuActionListener.parentDialog

Methods in project35.desktopDeployment that return Project35Dialog
 Project35Dialog WindowRegistry.getWindowForFile( file)

Methods in project35.desktopDeployment with parameters of type Project35Dialog
 void WindowRegistry.deregisterWindow(Project35Dialog dialog)
          removes dialog from the active list of windows; used when a file is closed
 void WindowRegistry.registerWindowWithExistingFile(Project35Dialog dialog)
 void WindowRegistry.registerWindowWithNewFile(Project35Dialog dialog)
          creates a name of the format: "Untitled + n" where n is the nth dialog created during the session.
 void WindowRegistry.updateWindow(Project35Dialog dialog)
          used to update the window menus in files when the name of the file in the target dialog changes

Constructors in project35.desktopDeployment with parameters of type Project35Dialog
EditMenu(Project35Dialog parentDialog)
FileMenu(Project35Dialog parentDialog)
HelpMenu(Project35Dialog parentDialog)
MenuActionListener(Project35Dialog parentDialog, NavigationTree navigationTree, RecordView recordView)
OptionsMenu(Project35Dialog parentDialog)
Project35Menu(Project35Dialog parentDialog)
Project35MenuBar(Project35UIFactory project35UIFactory, Project35Dialog project35Dialog)
ViewMenu(Project35Dialog parentDialog)
WindowMenu(Project35Dialog parentDialog)

Uses of Project35Dialog in project35.metaData

Methods in project35.metaData with parameters of type Project35Dialog
 boolean CloseMetaDataFile.closeFile(Project35Dialog project35Dialog)