Uses of Interface

Packages that use EditFieldValidationService
project35.mda.model This package describes Project35's native data structures that are used to manage an in-memory representation of an XML document. 
project35.soa.validation The classes in this package support Project35's facilities for validating the data set. 

Uses of EditFieldValidationService in project35.mda.model

Methods in project35.mda.model with parameters of type EditFieldValidationService
 void EditFieldModel.addEditFieldValidationService(EditFieldValidationService editFieldValidationService)
          adds a validator instance to the list.

Uses of EditFieldValidationService in project35.soa.validation

Classes in project35.soa.validation that implement EditFieldValidationService
 class AbstractEditFieldValidationService
          Has routines for validating required fields.
 class BooleanValidator
          checks that a field value is a valid boolean
 class BoundedDoubleValidator
          Determines whether a double field value is within minimum and maximum bounds boundaries are inclusive.
 class BoundedFloatValidator
          Determines whether a float field value is within minimum and maximum bounds boundaries are inclusive.
 class BoundedIntegerValidator
          Determines whether an integer field value is within minimum and maximum bounds boundaries are inclusive.
 class Choose1FromNValidator
          This class is used for combination box fields that have a "None" option.
 class DateTimeValidator
          This validator checks if a String value is formatted according to the XML Schema dateTime format.
 class DateValidator
          In Project35, the user can establish which format they want to use to express date values.
 class DoubleValidator
          Checks whether a field value is a valid double
 class FloatValidator
          Checks whether field value is a valid float
 class IntegerValidator
          Checks whether a field value is a valid integer
 class NumericValidator
          a marker class indicating that the validation service affects numeric values.
 class PositiveIntegerValidator
          checks that a field is a positive integer
 class RequiredFieldValidator
          checks whether a required field has been left blank.
 class StringMaskValidator
          Checks that a string field value matches a regular expression.
 class StringValidator
          Checks that a value is a string - this class should probably be deprecated.
 class StubbedEditFieldValidationService
           Copyright (c) 2008 Kevin Garwood for Project35.
 class URLValidator
          Supposed to check whether field is a valid URL.

Methods in project35.soa.validation that return EditFieldValidationService
 EditFieldValidationService[] ValidationServiceRegistry.getEditFieldValidationServices(java.lang.String recordClassName, java.lang.String fieldName, boolean checkForRequiredFields)